July 25, 2011

Massacre Without Terrorism

Norway Attacks Expose U.S. Media's Double Standard On "Terrorism"

Desperate plea: A victim of the mass killing can be seen up to his waist in water, his hands in the air - as the gunman stands on the shore, surrounded by bodies
Desperate plea: A victim of the mass killing can be seen up to his waist in water,
his hands in the air - as the gunman stands on the shore, surrounded by bodies

When is a massacre of innocent children and young people not terrorism? When the perpetrator is referred to as simply a lone gunman with extremist views.
When might such a distinction be made? Whenever the attacker turns out to be non-Muslim!
When are Islamic terrorists assigned blame for such attacks? Every time and without hesitation - even after it becomes clear that those responsible kill in order to fulfill anti-Islamic feelings!

As the body count from last Friday's massacre of innocents grows to now approach triple figures, a bit of sober reflection is in order. Once we get past the senseless loss of life that all terrorism - be it by suicide bombs, automatic gunfire or remote-controlled drones wreaks on innocent bystanders, we cannot help but be appalled by what passes for journalism in the mainstream media. Before any attempt at investigation or the smallest shred of evidence the major networks and newspapers aim their warped sights on the certain culprits of Al Qaeda or Islamic terrorists! Realizing belatedly that they 'jumped the gun' they insist on labeling the culprit as a lone extremist/madman (not terrorist) based on his own insistence that he acted alone and before any investigations that may show otherwise (or eyewitness accounts to the contrary). Then, trying to extricate themselves from an unwinnable position, they still seek to somehow pin the Islamic terror 'tail on the donkey' by blaming Al Qaeda for providing the major influence for the brutal actions of a Muslim-hating madman!

So, when is terrorism given its proper name? Simple - just so long as brown-skinned men/women dressed in Muslim garb (and ideally with a Koran found in their suitcase or at their place of abode) are the perpetrators! Is it just me, or does anyone else see how brainwashed society is becoming and how easy it is therefore for those so minded and with all resources at their disposal to conduct false-flag attacks on the gullible public? But no one would never do such a thing - right...right?!?

Try these on for size:
Seeing 'Islamic Terror' in Norway
The omnipotence of Al Qaeda and meaninglessness of "Terrorism"
Media Blames Al-Qaeda Knowing Pro-Israeli Extremists Conducted Oslo Attacks
Bill O'Reilly Is Right: It's Unfair To Call the Norwegian Mass Murderer a Christian ... And It's Also Unfair to Call Arab Terrorists Muslim

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