"Whoever mocks the poor insults his Maker; he who is glad at calamity will not go unpunished." -- Proverbs 17:5
Though she likely never uttered the now famous phrase "Let them eat cake..." in responding to an official who had just explained that people were angry because they had no bread and were starving, Marie Antoinette, queen of France during the French Revolution became known for her insensitivity to the suffering of great numbers of her poor subjects and in the end lost her head to the guillotine. Those who now find themselves among the fortunate few to be prospering during the still early stages of a monumental decline would do well to reflect upon her eventual demise, if not on the sage advice proffered in Proverbs. As the article eloquently highlights, the frustrations of millions who are unable to fend for themselves or their families has become a topic of derisive humor for the arrogant elite.
The Economic Collapse
Are You Prepared For The Coming Economic Collapse And The Next Great Depression?
There is absolutely nothing wrong with working hard and making a lot of money, but there is something wrong with being completely arrogant and smug about it. Today, many among the elite are savagely mocking the poor, and that is a huge mistake. You shouldn't kick people when they are down. There are tens of millions of Americans that are deeply frustrated about losing their homes, losing their jobs or barely being able to survive in this economy. These frustrations have been one of the primary reasons for the rise of the Tea Party movement and the rise of the Occupy Wall Street movement. What these movements have in common is that people in both movements are sick and tired of the status quo and they want something to be done about our broken system. There are huge numbers of families out there right now that have just about reached the end of their ropes. Instead of showing compassion, many of the ultra-wealthy have decided that it is funny to mock the poor and those that are suffering. So how are all of these protesters going to respond to the "let them eat cake" attitude of the Wall Street elite? The protesters are being told that nothing that they can do will change anything and that they should be grateful for what Wall Street and the ultra-wealthy have done for them. They are essentially being told that they should just shut up and go home. So will we see these protest movements become discouraged and die down, or will the patronizing attitudes of so many among the elite just inflame them even further?
Right now, there really are two different "Americas". In one America, the stock market is surging, corporate profits are soaring and BMW is operating factories at 110% of capacity just to keep up with demand.In the other America, unemployment is rampant, millions of families are being kicked out of their homes and more than 45 million Americans are on food stamps.There is more economic frustration in this country today than there has been at any other time since the Great Depression. We are watching pressure build to very dangerous levels.It is important to note that I certainly do not agree at all with the solutions being put forward by the organizers of the Occupy Wall Street protests. As I have written about previously, collectivism is one of our biggest problems, and more collectivism is not going to solve anything.But it is definitely understandable that people are incredibly upset about this economy and that they want to protest. Most Americans realize that something is fundamentally wrong with our economic system.Unfortunately, most of them do not understand how we have gotten to this point or what it is going to take to fix things. That is one of the reasons why I write about economic issues so much. We desperately need to educate America.But what is undeniable is that there is a growing rage in this country that protest movements such as the Occupy Wall Street are giving a voice to.Our system is badly broken. The people out there protesting in the streets may not understand much, but they do understand that something needs to change.The Wall Street elite should be taking these protests as a signal that they need to get their house in order. The status quo just is not going to cut it. But instead of taking leadership and calling for significant change, many among the elite are openly mocking the protesters.The incredible arrogance displayed by so many on Wall Street and by so many in Washington D.C. is absolutely appalling.
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