Terrorism in Egypt (If TV news existed in 1200BC)
"There will be, in the next generation
or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude,
and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind
of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will
in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather
enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by
propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological
methods. And this seems to be the final revolution." -- Aldous Huxley
What Kind of Terrorist Are You?
Tuesday, October 11, 2011 at 12:03PMThe entire western style, democratic nation-state and financial system is in a state of collapse. The collapse began in 2000 and accelerated dramatically after the first round of money printing wore off in 2007.Since then there have been uprisings worldwide. Even Americans have begun to awaken from their slumber with the "Occupy Wall Street" protests - although it is mostly a communist uprising at this point. According to Diane Sawyer, anchor of ABC World News, the Occupy Wall Street protests have now spread to "more than a thousand countries". Sure, that is about 800 more countries than exist on this planet but, hey, close enough for a newsreader.Nonetheless, there is definitely a movement for change going on in the world... and this has a number of governments scared. Most western governments are essentially bankrupt and attempting to cling to power a little longer by once again printing money.Governments are like an organism. And, like a dying animal, governments around the world are thrashing about in their death throes finding any possible way to keep their enslavement game going a little while longer.One of the predominant ways governments have begun to do so are to label anyone who is against their taxes, laws, welfare or wars as terrorists. The word "terrorism" has been sensationalized to the point where even saying the word scares people. So, all governments need to do to try to quell the masses is to make as many of us into terrorists as possible.THE WAR ON TERRORISMSome may think that the "War on Terrorism" is a US phenomenon... but it's not. It's been taken up by most western countries as a way to oppress the people. Recently, we met an investment advisor from Canada, named Ian, who told us of just how the Canadian Government is beginning to pursue its own "War on Terror".Ian told us how he received a letter from the Canadian Government a few weeks ago and was told he had to fill out an online questionnaire. He was told if he didn't fill out the questionnaire that he would lose his license to be an investment advisor. That caught his attention for obvious reasons.He took a screen capture of one page of the questions:Two things come immediately to mind.First, given that there is no "None of the Above" answer for Question 1, it appears as though the Canadian Government considers all animal rights activists and environmental extremists to be terrorists. Sorry, David Suzuki. You are a terrorist now.We could only enjoy seeing environmental extremists as being labelled terrorists for just a few moments, however, before we reached Question 3. "Which of the following terrorist groups involves individuals who have suddenly become distrustful of their own Government"?
At first glance we thought this meant us and millions of others people who, for obvious reasons, don't trust their own government... but then we noticed the word "suddenly". OK, we are safe then, our distrust hasn't happened suddenly. It has taken many years of seeing government oppress, enslave and murder people for us to come to this conclusion.However, perhaps we do still fall under this category as it states those people who see their government "as the enemy" are also terrorists.What else would you call an organization who presumes the right to own you, takes half your income, taxes you on thousands of other activities, extorts you to get permission (licenses) in order to work and who kidnaps (arrests) and puts people in cages (jails) for simple acts such as having certain vegetation in their pocket and who considers you a terrorist if you don't support it for doing so? Your best friend?We are all terrorists now... it is just a matter of picking your affiliation. Home Grown? Islamic? Single Issue? or Al Qaida?
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