― Walter Scott, Marmion
It remains the preeminent false-flag operation of our era - the single largest mass duping of all time! Yet, unlocking the awful truth of what went down that crucial day in our history is the most important step towards unraveling the enormous tissue of falsehoods that have sold the masses on a completely warped view of history - leading to a series of senseless wars and military interventions that continue to sap the economic strength of Western nations - and have brought the planet to the brink of WWIII! Until the majority awakens to the reality of 'events', which are staged solely to subvert public opinion by a ruthless political ruling class, they will remain eternally hoodwinked into supporting the narrow economic interests of a few, whilst looking on helplessly as their remaining rights vanish into thin air!
While the complete truth remains tightly held by a few, facts that give the lie to the official fairy-tale keep emerging - so much so that it is now true to say that 'all the king's horses and all the king's men' will never be able to put the 'Humpty' tale sold to the gullible world over a decade ago together again! The creators of the 21st-century 'Humpty Dumpty' know full well that the web of deceit will unravel - but they also know it will soon to be too late to matter anyway - once total control has been achieved!
The lengthy laundry list of 'coincidences' and the symbology popping up in certain media shows well before the event, indicate both foreknowledge as well as a level of arrogance by the 'event planners'! The selected videos shine further light on that question for the ages: "Who knew what - and when"?
Terror Trading 9/11 by Lars Schall and Michael Leitner
Uncovering Ten Years of Deception into 9/11 with Activist Dan Dicks
Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About The 9/11 Conspiracy Theory In Under 5 Minutes
Getty ImagesIntroduction
September 11, 2001 was unquestionably a tragic day for America and the world. While the 3,000-plus deaths on American soil elicited support and tears from around the world, now many international citizens resent or even despise the country that ratcheted up the War on Terror.
But for many in the country, and a staggering number of foreign citizens, the truth about what really took place on September 11, 2001 remains under relentless scrutiny and doubt. The mainstream media and politicians love to pass these claims off as "conspiracy theories" (the threat of being a social outcast can get the best of us), but the facts tell a much different story.
Here are just some of the major coincidences surrounding 9/11.
John Friend's Blog
"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." --George Orwell
Thursday, April 5, 2012
9/11 symbology and programming in media
Check out the Plane hits the World Trade Center programming and 9/11 symbology in popular culture in the months and years leading up to the false flag/PSYOP on September 11, 2001, as demonstrated in the above picture from an episode of The Simpsons. Also, check out the full scene of George Bush's appearance at the elementary school in Florida on 9/11. Thanks to Facts not Fairies for pointing out this video.
The following is an excerpt (with some minor edits) of a blog post titled THE 911 RITUAL - "KITE STEEL PLANE MUST HIT" - MOSSAD INVOCATION OF AGE OF HORUS from the blog THE ILLUMINATI CODE:The year 2001, the beginning of the new millennium, the age of Horus, was planned as the year of a spectacular shift in human consciousness. '2001' or '21' is BlackJack (Black Jacob, Satan), the great gamble of the Illuminati fuelled by the master magic number 11. The trauma induced in the collective mind is the paradigm shift that primes the herd for openly Satanic rule. People are most suggestible when they have been traumatised. This is the operating foundation of Illuminati mind control. In Pythagorean numerology all numbers are essentially added together until they are reduced to a single digit except the number 11, it being considered a master magic vibration."The number 11 is the essence of all that is sinful, harmful and imperfect," - W. Wyn Wescott, the Occult Power of Numbers."The number 11 is the literal number of magic itself," said Crowley who added the 11th letter of the alphabet to the word 'magic' to describe his Kabbalistic magic- thus MAGICK.This is all just a coincidence of course but.......911 IS THE UNIVERSAL EMERGENCY CODESEPT 11 - (9+1+1=11)SEPT 11 IS THE 254TH DAY OF THE YEAR - (2+5+4=11)WITH 111 DAYS LEFT IN THE YEAR - (10X11)AMERICAN AIRLINES - AA - 11FLIGHT 11 HAD 11 CREW AND 92 (9+2=11) PASSENGERSTWIN TOWERS RESEMBLE AN 11TWIN TOWERS 110 (10X11)STORIES EACH 21,800 (2+1+8=11) WINDOWS EACHTOWER 7 HAD 47 (4+7=11) STORIESTOWER TWO COLLAPSED 47 (4+7=11) MINUTES AFTER IMPACTFLIGHT 77 (7X11) HAD 65 (6+5=11) PASSENGERSMASONIC CORNERSTONE LAID FOR TWIN TOWERS ON SEPT. 11, 1966MASONIC CORNERSTONE LAID FOR PENTAGON ON SEPT. 11, 1941NEW YORK CITY - 11 LETTERSTHE PENTAGON - 11 LETTERSGEORGE W. BUSH - 11 LETTERSNEW YORK IS THE 11TH STATE OF THE UNIONGEORGE BUSH ORDERED FLAG AT HALF MAST FOR 11 DAYS UNTIL SEPT. 22 (2X11)NEW YORK STATE LOTTERY NUMBERS FOR 9/11/2002 WERE 911 ON 3/11/2002 (3X11=33,22)THE WTC TURNED ON 88 (11X8) SEARCHLIGHTS UNTIL 11 P.M EVERY NIGHT FOR 33 DAYS (3 x 11)GEORGE H.W. BUSH GAVE FAMOUS SPEECH ANNOUNCING NEW WORLD ORDER ON SEPT. 11, 1990 - EXACTLY 11 YEARS TO THE DAY OF THE WTC ATTACK."The world can therefore seize the opportunity (Persian Gulf War) to fulfill the long held promise of a New World Order where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind."BUSH PHOTO AT GROUND ZERO POSING WITH FIREMAN # 146 (WHICH ADDS UP TO...)IN THE 1996 MOVIE THE MATRIX, THE GNOSTIC MESSIAH NEO (THE 'ONE')'S BIRTH DATE ON HIS PASSPORT IS SEPT 11 01.THE NUMBER OF THE BIBLICAL ANTICHRIST IS 11, THE "11th HORN"The Hymn To Pan...While America was apparently under attack President Bush was sitting in front of a classroom of young children listening to them recite a spelling bee. The last set of words repeatedly chanted by the children just before Andrew Card whispered in Bush's ear about the second tower were "Kite! Steel! Plane! Hit! Must!"A Kite is an object that flies on a string controlled by someone on the ground. A 767 can be fitted with technology which can be remotely controlled from the ground. Someone unknown is 'pulling the strings'. The rest of the words in the (incantation?) speak for themselves. The ritual didn't stop there.For the next 20 minutes Bush listened to the class read a story about a pet goat that destroys everything in its path but in the end becomes a hero. Bush held his copy of 'The Pet Goat' upside down (inversions are important to Satanists like Bush). The Knights Templar (butt blaster secret society) worship a hermaphroditic goat called Baphomet. The goat is an anthropomorphic symbol of Satan, the Devil. [...] Read entire post here
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