― Ayn Rand
For all of our advances in science and technology, mankind has made relatively little progress in understanding what makes us 'tick' - the unique characteristics of what it really means to be human! But, while misconceptions about our true nature abound, perhaps the greatest delusion of our era revolves around the so-called 'common good'. We have convinced ourselves that our fellow man must be corralled and controlled so as to prevent him from doing harm to himself and that that task can be handled by a few who are granted 'special powers' to dictate to everyone what they are allowed to do. This misconception about the ability to control human activity for the 'greater good' has led to many of the worst tyrannies of our time, and is undoubtedly the root cause of most of today's big problems!
Look around - throughout all of nature survival and vitality are subjected to the law of accountability! Each species grows stronger by individual members learning to cope with the most trying conditions. Cooperation when it does happen is voluntary - not by majority decision foisted upon other members. The more we attempt to enforce the (often misguided) views of acceptable human behavior onto our fellow man in our ill-advised effort to 'civilize' him by coercion, the weaker and less able he becomes to fend for himself - attempting to subvert a natural law of accountability weakens our entire species. And our man-made laws are no substitute for nature's own - often resulting in draconian punishments that are ineffective and increase organized crime and violence - such as for today's drugs prohibition!
The ongoing delusion that a few can bend human nature to their will has now spread to the economy! Rather than allow certain businesses to fail, we have decided that those designated as too big to fail will be bailed out with funds created out of thin air and debts for later generations to be saddled with. The net effect is that, with accountability removed from the equation the TBTF's, instead of changing course set sail for even more dangerous waters - weaker but certain they will never be allowed to fail!
Deep into another election cycle a brief word on party politics is in order. Both parties are built on the premise that they have answers to every problem - their survival depends on perpetuating this myth. While one spends its time trying to be today's Robin Hood, the other tries to save us from every 'vice' via its own 'code of ethics'. The longer we are distracted by the farcical battle over who holds 'power', the more red or blue 'kool-aid' we drink until we awaken to the root cause - the politicalparty system!
It has always amazed me that solutions to the many crises of today have been around for some time. Ever since Adam Smith uncovered the invisible hand of the free market the year the 'land of the free' declared its independence - the self-adjusting mechanism for all human activity came to be known. The free market should not be confused with allowing monopolies - whether business or government. Unsurprisingly, giving either of them sole control over human activity will lead inevitably to tyranny!
Our present system is based on which party gets monopoly control in deciding on the 'common good' and then enforces its will for an exclusive period, tag-teaming the population along with its opponent. First major industries will go under as the system crashes, followed by the State as we know it today!
Nature provides few 'free lunches' - neither does it reward folly, and ignorance is very soon educated! As world economies teeter-totter on the edge of a yawning abyss, the day of reckoning draws nearer. Like a mega-tsunami the huge market forces cannot be resisted. Problem is we are still at the beach!
Like every other crisis this one brings challenges as well as opportunities - it is up to us to find them! Those who sit back and wait for help from the all-powerful State will find that their '911' call is futile. Those who survive the ordeal will see a way to rediscover self-sufficiency and their spirit of defiance!
The ongoing delusion that a few can bend human nature to their will has now spread to the economy! Rather than allow certain businesses to fail, we have decided that those designated as too big to fail will be bailed out with funds created out of thin air and debts for later generations to be saddled with. The net effect is that, with accountability removed from the equation the TBTF's, instead of changing course set sail for even more dangerous waters - weaker but certain they will never be allowed to fail!
Deep into another election cycle a brief word on party politics is in order. Both parties are built on the premise that they have answers to every problem - their survival depends on perpetuating this myth. While one spends its time trying to be today's Robin Hood, the other tries to save us from every 'vice' via its own 'code of ethics'. The longer we are distracted by the farcical battle over who holds 'power', the more red or blue 'kool-aid' we drink until we awaken to the root cause - the political
It has always amazed me that solutions to the many crises of today have been around for some time. Ever since Adam Smith uncovered the invisible hand of the free market the year the 'land of the free' declared its independence - the self-adjusting mechanism for all human activity came to be known. The free market should not be confused with allowing monopolies - whether business or government. Unsurprisingly, giving either of them sole control over human activity will lead inevitably to tyranny!
Our present system is based on which party gets monopoly control in deciding on the 'common good' and then enforces its will for an exclusive period, tag-teaming the population along with its opponent. First major industries will go under as the system crashes, followed by the State as we know it today!
Nature provides few 'free lunches' - neither does it reward folly, and ignorance is very soon educated! As world economies teeter-totter on the edge of a yawning abyss, the day of reckoning draws nearer. Like a mega-tsunami the huge market forces cannot be resisted. Problem is we are still at the beach!
Like every other crisis this one brings challenges as well as opportunities - it is up to us to find them! Those who sit back and wait for help from the all-powerful State will find that their '911' call is futile. Those who survive the ordeal will see a way to rediscover self-sufficiency and their spirit of defiance!
There Will Be Blood
Zombies, Deniers, Sociopaths, Schemers and Protectors: The five dominant personalities you'll encounter in a world gone mad
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of NaturalNews.com (See all articles...)
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