Secret Human Experiments to Test the Effects of The Atomic Bomb
"A just war is hospitable to every self-deception on the part of those waging it, none more than the certainty of virtue, under whose shelter every abomination can be committed with a clear conscience."
-Alexander Cockburn
-Alexander Cockburn
"Furthermore, should you dare to say different expect either a drone visit to deliver a hellfire missile, or else a trip to one of our many offshore facilities to undergo enhanced interrogation techniques."! So say the land of the free as they insist upon their virtuous morality with a completely straight face. "Just to be clear", they assert strenuously, "when we sprayed our soldiers with mustard gas without telling them they had a duty to help test the effectiveness of our gas masks by being live guinea pigs. And we deliberately infected Guatemalans with syphilis simply in order to test the cure of penicillin. The whooping cough virus released in Tampa Bay which caused 12 deaths was for research purposes. And those unsuspecting patients and soldiers injected with plutonium & uranium were true patriots!"
The list goes on and also includes prisoners injected with Agent Orange, Puerto Ricans deliberately infected with live cancer cells with 13 resulting deaths (the chief scientist calling them dirty & lazy), and poor black Americans unaware of being given mega doses of radiation causing at least 20 deaths. Mind control and child abuse feature prominently, along with forcible injection of drugs such as LSD, & subjecting Pacific Islanders to radiation fallout from atomic tests leading to birth defects & cancer!
Nowadays they are content with the odd massacre in Iraq and Afghanistan and deadly drone strikes! But not to worry, the virtuous ones claim that no civilians are harmed and everyone killed must be a terrorist or they wouldn't be in the line of fire. Martial Law will soon arrive, so you'll see for yourself!
Injected Prisoners with Agent Orange
Rank Name
1Mind Control, Child Abuse - Project MKULTRA, Subproject 68![]()
This is the stuff of nightmares.
The CIA-ran Project MKULTRA paid Dr. Donald Ewen Cameron for Subproject 68, which would be experiments involving mind-altering substances. The entire goal of the project was to probe examination into methods of influencing and controlling the mind and being able to extract information from resisting minds.
So in order to accomplish this, the doctor took patients admitted to his Allen Memorial Institute in Montreal and conducted "therapy" on them. The patients were mostly taken in for issues like bi-polar depression and anxiety disorders. The treatment they received was life-altering and scarring.
In the period he was paid for (1957 - 1964) Cameron administered electroconvulsive therapy at 30-40 times the normal power. He would put patients into a drug-induced coma for months on-end and playback tapes of simple statements or repetitive noises over and over again.
The victims forgot how to talk, forgot about their parents, and suffered serious amnesia.
And all of this was performed on Canadian citizens because the CIA wasn’t willing to risk such operations on Americans.
To ensure that the project remained funded, Cameron, in one scheme, took his experiments upon admitted children and in one situation had the child engage in sex with high-ranking government officials and film it.
He and other MKULTRA officers would blackmail the officials to ensure more funding. 2Mustard Gas Tested on Soldiers via Involuntary Gas Chambers![]()
As bio-weapon research intensified in the 1940's, officials also began testing its repercussions and defenses on the Army itself.
In order to test the effectiveness of various bio-weapons, officials were known to have sprayed mustard gas and other skin-burning, lung-ruining chemicals, like Lewisite, on soldiers without their consent or knowledge of the experiment happening to them.
They also tested the effectiveness of gas masks and protective clothing by locking soldiers in a gas chamber and exposing them to mustard gas and lewisite, evoking the gas chamber image of Nazi Germany.
EFFECTS OF LEWISITE: Lewisite is a gas that can easily penetrate clothing and even rubber. Upon contact with the skin, the gas immediately causes extreme pain, itching, swelling and even a rash. Large, fluid-filled blisters develop 12 hours after exposure in the form of intensely severe chemical burns. And that's just skin contact with the gas.
Inhaling of the gas causes a burning pain in the lungs, sneezing, vomiting, and pulmonary edema.
EFFECTS OF MUSTARD GAS: Symptomless until about 24 hours after exposure, Mustard Gas has mutagenic and carcinogenic properties that have killed many subjected to it. Its primary effects include severe burns that turn into yellow-fluid-leaking boils over a period of time. Although treatment is available, Mustard Gas burns heal very, very slowly and are extremely painful. The burns the gas leaves on the skin are sometimes irreparable.
It was also rumored that along with the soldiers, patients at VA hospitals were being used as guinea pigs for medical experiments involving bio-warfare chemicals, but that all experiments were changed to be known as "observations" to ward off suspicions. 3U.S. Grants Immunity to Involuntary-Surgery Monster![]()
As head of Japan's infamous Unit 731 (a covert biological and chemical warfare research and development unit of the Imperial Japanese Army during World War II), Dr. Shiro Ishii (head of medicine) carried out violent human experimentation of tens of thousands during the Second Sino-Japenses War and World War II.
Ishii was responsible for testing vivisection techniques without any anesthesia on human prisoners. For the uninitiated, vivisection is the act of conducting experimental surgery on living creatures (with central nervousness) and examining their insides for scientific purposes.
So basically, he was giving unnecessary surgery to prisoners by opening them all the way up, keeping them alive and not using any anesthetic.
For a disturbing video about vivisection, please go here .
During these experiments he would also force pregnant women to abort their babies. He also played God by subjecting his prisoners to change in physiological conditions and inducing strokes, heart attacks, frost bite, and hypothermia. Ishii considered these subjects "logs".
Following imminent defeat in 1945, Japan blew up the Unity 731 complex and Ishii ordered all the remaining "logs" to be executed. Not soon after, Ishii was arrested. And then, the respected General Douglas McArthur allegedly struck a deal with Ishii. If the U.S. granted Ishii immunity from his crimes, he must exchange all germ warfare data based on human experimentation.
So Ishii got away with his crimes because the US became interested in the results of his research.
While not directly responsible for these acts, the actions of the American government certainly illustrated it was more than willing to condone human torture for advancements in biological warfare that could kill even more people.
Not a surprise, considering its past resume. Ishii remained alive until 1959, performing research into bio-weaponry and probably thinking up more plans to annihilate people in different, Dr. Giggles-esque ways to his dying day. 4Deadly Chemical Sprays on American Cities![]()
Showing once again that the U.S. always tends to test out worse-case scenarios by getting to them first and with the advent of biochemical warfare in the mid 20th century, the Army, CIA and government conducted a series of warfare simulations upon American cities to see how the effects would play out in the event of an actual chemical attack.
They conducted the following air strikes/naval attacks:
- The CIA released a whooping cough virus on Tampa Bay, using boats, and so caused a whooping cough epidemic. 12 people died.
- The Navy sprayed San Francisco with bacterial pathogens and in consequence many citizens developed pneumonia.
- Upon Savannah, GA and Avon Park, FL, the army released millions of mosquitoes in the hopes they would spread yellow fever and dengue fever. The swarm left Americans struggling with fevers, typhoid, respiratory problems, and the worst, stillborn children.
Even worse was that after the swarm, the Army came in disguised as public health workers. Their secret intention the entire time they were giving aid to the victims was to study and chart-out the long term effects of all the illnesses they were suffering. 5US Infects Guatemalans With STDsIn the 1940's, with penicillin as an established cure for syphilis, the US decided to test out its effectiveness on Guatemalan citizens.
To do this, they used infected prostitutes and let them loose on unknowing prison inmates, insane asylum patients and soldiers. When spreading the disease through prostitution didn't work as well as they'd hoped, they instead went for the inoculation route.
Researchers poured syphilis bacteria onto mens' penises and on their forearms and faces. In some cases, they even inoculated the men through spinal punctures.
After all the infections were transmitted, researchers then gave most of the subjects treatment, although as many as 1/3 of them could have been left untreated, even if that was the intention of the study in the first place.
On October 1, 2010, Hilary Clinton apologized for the events and new research has gone on to see if anyone affected is still alive and afflicted with syphilis. Since many subjects never got penicillin, its possible and likely that someone spread it to f*ture generations.
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